It was during the end-of-year holiday, when Tante Desi and Ibu (we both pregnant, well actually plus Tante Ella, but she was on her own holiday at that time) took pictures of pregnant moms. Your talented Tante Merry did the photos with Tante Fitri who voluntarily offered her house as the place where the pictures were taken.
It was full of fun... although my stomach has not been too big at time. I was just about 6 months pregnant. Tante Desi, who was at her 7th months pregnant looked bigger than mine.
After that we went to Citos and had some snacks and tea/coffee at Deli France. Ayah picked me up there, and all of us had dinner together at Fish & Co.

Thank you Tante Merry,, Thank you Tante Fitri,, thank you Tante Desi... :)
katanya akan ada sesi pemotretan kedua kiks... tante ella mau ikutan juga....:)
hihi.. iya, kudengar begitu..
asik, koleksi fotoku jadi tambah banyak deh nanti.. :)
haiyaa gimana ya tante ingkan ngga diajak.. hiks hiks
next session aku ikutan yaaa...
Tante Ingkan... maaf yaa gak ikutan.. kejadiannya pas akhir taun, waktu elo lagi travelling keliling-keliling itu.. the other pregnant mom juga gak ikutan tuh (ella), soalnya lagi liburan juga..
iya,, bakal ada next session rencananya.. next time lo mesti ikutan yaaa.. :)
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