Tuesday, 21 October 2008

My Calya is 6 month old now

29 September 2008 - Caca genap 6 bulan.
I can't believe it.. time goes so fast and now my little Caca is 6 month old.

Luckily it was already Lebaran holiday, so I was at home with you, Ca... :)
I couldn't wait for your first weaning, so I started 2 days ago, on Saturday.. hehe..

Look at you, the six-month-old baby.. sekarang Caca udah bisa:
1. makan bubur buah
2. guling-guling
3. gusinya mulai gatel, makin suka gigit-gigit
4. bisa pindahin benda dari tangan yang satu ke tangan yang lain
5. belajar merangkak
6. tambah manja sama Ibu,, kalo ada Ibu, maunya digendong Ibu terus deh.. (aaaah, senangnya disayang Caca... :) )
7. bisa milih minta digendong siapa
8. kalo mau tidur, ngoceh-ngoceh (kayak ngomel-ngomel siy tepatnya),, sampe ketiduran
9. beratnya 6,1 kilo.. (ayo, makan dan minumnya tambah banyak dong,, biar cepet tambah gemuk)
10. Bisa merangkak!! :)
11. Had her first holiday.. ke ancol 3 hari.. hebat,, nggak rewel dan nggak nyusahin deh kamu Ca.. :)

Calya 5 month

It's getting more exciting on what she can do.. :)

1. She could turn her body (tengkurep gitu... hehe..) - well she could do that a month ago,, but then it was like she forgot how to do it.. now she could do it again and again.. hehehe...
2. Tried to reach something to whom she wants to be held (her Ibu and Ayah were her priority.. yippee..)
3. She talked more and more... "aaah,, uhh,, buuuwwaah,,, "
4. Mulai nyembur-nyembur dan main air liur.. (iiiih,, geli deh Ca...)
5. Excited when riding a car,, wanted to look at the street and things around her (jadi kalo jalan-jalan, susah diajak tidur dan mimik asi di mobil.. maunya liat jalan terus,, pas udah setengah perjalanan, baru deh mau mimik dan tidur.. jadinya baru 10 menit tidur, udah sampai tujuan.. hahaa..)
6. Started going out at night (first trip: to Kembang Goela, Sudirman for buka puasa)
7. Started learning to sleep in her baby crib (again), since she kept moving during her sleep
8. Weight 5,7 kg (at least the doctor said: "it's more than 2 times of her weight when she was born, so it's still fine")

Calya 4 month

Many new things that Caca can do when she was 4 month old..

1. She could hold things with her 2 hands
2. She could hug things with her 2 hands
3. She started chewing teether
4. She had her first flu
5. She tried to sit without back up on her back
6. She talked (more and more) in baby language
7. She still woke up every 2 hour during nights
8. She tried to stand up with her 2 feet
9. She held things tightly with her little fingers
10. She loved lullaby before going to bed
11. Her clothes were too small at that time,, need to have bigger size
12. Poop once a day,, and even once every 2-3 days (this is not good Ca..)
13. She touched the face of person holding her
14. She played with her hand,, touching here and there while breastfeeding
15. (uuh,, so sorry Caca sayang...) She started having few formula milk... however, the breastmilk still took the bigger portion on her daily intake (15% formula milk and 85% breastmilk)
16. Weight5,4 kg

Calya 3 months old

On 29 June 2008, Caca was 3 month old.
(ugh,, that when I started returning to work)

What Caca could do on her third month?
1. Started having chit chat (in baby language of course... "aah,, uuuh,, ayayayaaa...")
2. Still woke up every 2 hour at nights
3. Poops once daily now, fyuuh...
4. Weight 4,9 kg (the gain weight was getting slower)
5. Went to malls on weekends
6. Acknowledged people around her (started being picky)
7. Crying before her night sleep (but ONLY on weekends, when her Ayah and Ibu were around her..)
8. Bye-bye gloves.. Caca didn't wear gloves anymore. She started grabbing and holding things.
9. Slept with her face facing her bed
10. Woke up at 5 in the morning EXCEPT on weekends, when she woke up late because she could sleep more with Ayah and Ibu around her. (How do you know that Ca?? hebat deh Caca..)

Calya 2month

1. Caca cried in the afternoons before her night sleep
2. Thing that could calm her from her crying was: when you take him going up and down the stairs
3. Pees and poops a lot, that interrupted her sleeping. (better wear diaper all day)
4. Weight 4,2 kg.
5. Her new hair, after her haircut, stars growing (but only in some parts, while in some other parts still has not grown. gleg..).

Calya 1 Month

What did Caca experience when she was 1 month old?

1. Her weight was 3,5 kilo (gained 1 kilo in 1 month)
2. She had her first haircut
3. She could see and hear much clearer as she started looking at people near her and the source of voice around her
4. She had her earpierce
5. She still kept receiving gifts :)
6. She could smile... aaaah.. so sweet..!!
7. She still pooped and pee so often
8. She had her first visit to a mall (PIM of course.. hehe..)
9. Her skin was cleaner

Friday, 5 September 2008


1. She sleeps all the time, only wakes up for taking a bath, breasfeeding, peep and poop.

2. She likes to make face like she is saying "uuuuh..."

3. She is wrapped with blanket most of the time (bahasa umumnya: dibedong.. hehe..)

4. She is so small, weight 2.5 kg. All of her clothes are too big for her.

5. She is having sunbathing for 30 mins everyday

6. She can smile...!! :)

Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Caca 0 month: Sunbathing

One of your routine activities: sunbathing..

every morning, at around 7.30 a.m. you went out (in front of our house) and did the sunbathing for about 20 minutes. Later on, we found the sun shines through the window near the kitchen. So, the kitchen became the new sunbathing spot for you. hehehe...

Here's the pictures of Caca while sunbathing:

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

Little Caca

you were so little when you were just born.. with weight only 2,5 kg (the minimum weight of a normal baby born)..

look at you when you were taking a bath when you were a week old..

Monday, 4 August 2008

Welcome Home

Kamis, 2 April 2008...

Caca dan Ibu bisa pulang ke rumah.. welcome home Caca..

Malam pertama Caca tidur di rumah, Caca agak rewel.. masih adjust sama suasana baru ya, Ca..

Ini foto Caca tidur siang di hari kedua Caca di rumah.. Caca baru umur 7 hari..


Caca umur 4 hari waktu itu, selasa, 1 April 2008.

Biasanya bayi umur 3-4 hari diperiksa bilirubinnya, untuk mengetahui kadar bilirubin si bayi. kalau cukup tinggi, si bayi warnanya kuning. Kadar normal sekitar 8-10. Ternyata Caca mencapai angka 13.

Jadi Caca mesti stay longer di rumah sakit, nunggu sampai nilai bilirubinnya normal. Selama itu, Caca mesti disinar, berarti masuk dalam kotak, , seperti inkubator, yang mengeluarkan sinar biru. Sebenarnya masih dimungkinkan Caca bisa pulang sama Ibu besok (mestinya kita udah bisa pulang di hari Rabu), tapi karena golongan darah Ibu O dan Caca A, kemungkinan untuk angka bilirubin tambah tinggi cukup besar. Jadi dokter Caca (dokter Rinawati) bilang Caca mesti di rumah sakit dulu sampai kondisi kembali normal.

Nah, selama disinarin itu, Caca matanya mesti ditutup, biar mata Caca nggak kena sinarnya. Lucu deh. Waktu Ibu nyusuin Caca, Ibu liat Caca pakai "kacamata" itu, Ibu sampai ketawa-ketawa sendiri. Langsung Ibu foto dan kirim fotonya ke Ayah, Nien dan DD. Mereka semua ketawa-ketawa liat foto Caca.

ini dia foto Caca.. Lucu yaaa... kata Ayah, Caca kayak batman kecil.. ihihihi...

Untung Caca hebat.. dalam satu hari, bilirubin Caca udah kembali normal. Hari Rabu bilirubin Caca udah 9, berarti Caca dan Ibu udah bisa pulang ke rumah. Tapi karena konfirmasi dari dokter sudah agak malam, kita pulang ke rumah besok paginya. Jarang lho ada anak kuning cuma 1 hari kayak Caca.. :)

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Hang Over


Last night you woke up at 1.00 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep afterward.
Ayah hold you for almost an hour.. but still you were still awake and crying.
(poor Ayah, he needed some good sleep. He will be going to Batam for business trip tomorrow Ca).
You didn't want to drink some milk.. just kept crying.

I was too tired and sleepy.. Just offered you ASI (breastmilk), but didn't have the power to hold you and walked around to calm you and get you to bed.

We finally woke Mbak Imah, your nanny, and asked her to hold you.

After half an hour of quiet time, I suddenly heard you crying again.
So I held you.. you stopped crying and started to drink some ASI. But then you cried again a little. So I had to hold you for a while..

Aaah, finally, you were sleeping.. at 3 a.m.
I held you in my arms after that, until moring came. You woke up a little at 4.00 and 4.30 for some milk.
Oh, I am so sleepy now Caca..
Tonight, we'll sleep tight, okay..

Mmwahh from your sleepy Ibu.. :)

Monday, 14 July 2008


After the surgery, the whole family gathered in my room. That’s when we announced your name. Welcome our beloved CALYA LAKSMI KINASIH.

CALYA means: you are perfect, complete. I give you this name. It sounds nice and it is not commonly used by other people. This is also my pray for you, so you will be complete. Remember that I experienced some illness during my pregnancy. I don’t want you to have any bad effect from those.

LAKSMI means: prosperity. It is also the other name of Dewi Sri, goddess of rice. It also means beautiful. This name was given by Ayah.

KINASIH means the beloved one. So you will be loved by all of us. Kitos suggested this name for you. He got it through an old man he met during his silent moment.

Then we thought about what we should call you. Ayah and Ibu decided to call you by CACA. It’s simple and easy to remember. The name also sounds fit for you.

All are from Sanskrit language.


Saturday, 29 March 2008. At 5 a.m. I’ve already awaken. I took a bath, did the morning pray and get ready for the surgery. At 6.30 the nurse picked me up and strolled me on a wheel chair to the surgery room. Everybody was coming to support us.. There were Nien, Kitos (aKI TOSan), DD (buDe Dyah), PaPi (PAkde PIerre), eyang Ninik, eyang Arifin, Ati Tutut, Kimud (aKI MUDa Arief); then followed by mbah uti, mbak kakung and Nita Vita after I entered into the surgery room.

At 7 a.m. sharp the surgery was started. Thank God, the doctors (the anesthetist, prof. ---, the gynecologist, dr. Yuslam and the pediatric, dr. Rinawati) and their team were so great. They were so professional and also could calm me and made everything was not as scary as I thought.

At about 7.15 I could feel the doctor ‘cut’ my stomach, even though they gave me some anesthetic so I didn’t feel any hurt.

At 7.27 a.m. you were born. I could feel the tried to pull you out of my stomach. Then I heard your crying. Alhamdulillah… Welcome to the world my lovely Kiddy…

They brought you to my face so I could kiss you. I kiss you several times. Oh, you were so tiny and cute. I couldn’t wait to hold you!!

Then suddenly I felt so sleepy. The doctor gave me something that made me sleep, while they finish the surgery. Meanwhile, they took you outside the surgery room and showed you to Ayah and everybody who was waiting for us. Here’s your first picture, taken only about 10 minutes after you were born.

About 2-3 hours later I was awake and had a post surgery observation first before I could leave the surgery room. Then I met Ayah and everybody. Ayah gave me a kiss, followed by everybody, then the nurse took me to my room.

The Surgery Appointment

It was Monday, 24 March 2008, when I went to the doctor for the routine check on my pregnancy. It was my 37th week of pregnancy. The doctor took some further examination on the readiness of your labour. The result was I could not give birth with the natural way, I had to take the caesar surgery because your position was not going to find the natural way out. Doctor gave me an injection to make your lung stronger and ready. He suggested Ayah and me to have the delivery soon. He scheduled the surgery on the following Wednesday, 26 March 2008. Wow,, wait a second.. it was too fast. I had to make a preparation for myself. The surgery and the schedule were quiet shocking to me. So we then decided to do it on Saturday, 29 March 2008. First the plan was to do it at night, but then one of the doctor team was not available, then we reschedule it for Saturday morning, 7.00 a.m.

I went to work the next day.. which was the last working day. I informed my boss and my team about the news and that I had to take early pregnancy leave. On Wednesday, I took some rest at my mom’s home. Luckily we already moved out from our home at Bukit Nirvana.. your new home at villa cinere was already ready at that time. It was just last week when we moved in to our new home.

On Thursday, I took a laboratory check for the surgery preparation and had a haircut at Citos (well, I have to look fine anyway.. there would be lots of pictures taken.. hehe..).

On Friday, after lunch I went to the hospital. Nita Titien and Ati Tutut took me to the hospital. I had an early check before I check in. the result was also quiet surprising. They checked on your movement and discovered that I’ve already had the contraction. But I didn’t feel it. Well, I felt sometimes my stomach was a little tense, but I didn’t think that it was a contraction. After having some consultation with the doctor, I took a medicine to hold the contraction and the surgery was still on schedule. If the contraction didn’t stop, then we had to do the surgery as soon as possible. Having heard the contraction news, Ayah and NiEn (Nini Endang – that’s what my Mom wants you to call her) were running from their offices to the hospital. Thank God it stopped. Then I went into the room (3303) for some rest.

Here’s the picture of me the night before your arrival in this world.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Another picture...

This is me, also during my 8 month pregnancy..it was taken in our room. Ayah and Ibu just arrived from our Sunday-day-out, which was spent to prepare the new home and find your baby crib & stroller.. ;)

8 month

Kiddy, this is me on my 8 month pregnancy... Picture was taken in front of our house, right before we went to our regular check up to the doctor (in early March).

Monday, 3 March 2008

Big Foot

.. but this is not the big foot as a car with big wheels… It’s my feet.. they’re getting bigger and bigger.. I am no longer able to walk too long and far.. in addition to it, my palm and fingers are also bigger… they are now difficult to hold something too long too..

Ayah and Ibu also went to the doctor for a regular check up last Saturday. The result was fine. Your position was head down. Your weight was about 2.087 – 2.150 kilos, which was normal. The target is to gain 300 grams of your weight in the next 2 weeks.

The doctor said that the cause of my big feet was because the increase of blood volume in my body. This is to accommodate the blood circulation in my body, which is now having a longer route, because you are also part of that blood circulation. But the level of hemoglobin in my body is still the same, that’s why I will become sleepier and feel headache at times (and already experienced those).

He also said that the prediction of date of your delivery may be around late March or early April.. the exact time when Ayah will go to Budapest. *sigh… *
Well, we should be ready at anytime,, as long as you are healthy. I would probably too small to deliver you in normal way.. so there’s a possibility to have you with Caesar surgery. We’ll see…

A Home for You

We, after a quiet long process, finally get our dream house. Hope this will be a home for all of us, Kiddy.. We decided to find a new home, which is not as far as our own now, so we don’t have to go to work too early and we can be at home earlier in the afternoon. That way we can see you more often…

Last Wednesday, 27 February 2008 we signed to contract to buy the house (even though that also means we have to pay for the 10 year installments. Hehe.. ). It is actually hard to leave our current home. We built it in almost 2 years to make it becoming our dream home, even before we got married. We built it with love... But with the hope of a better home for all of us, we take this opportunity… Hope the new house will be a home for us and will give us warmth, love, safety and peace.

Now we are preparing the new house. It should be ready before your arrival, so we can bring you to this new home just after your birth. That means we only have 1 month for the preparation. So the following weekends will be full with all of these preparation things. The house itself is actually ready, so no renovation is needed, but many bits of these and those still need to be done. We are currently preparing your room, the only room we don’t have anything yet from our current home, like your bed, your cupboard and every other things a baby room has. Hehe… but don’t worry Kiddy, we just got you a classic pooh wallpaper, which make your room warm and lovely. We just also ordered a baby crib and cupboard, which will be ready in 1 – 2 weeks time.

- also read: http://wikawiks.blogspot.com/2008/03/pindahan.html -

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Senam Hamil

Last week I just had my first 'senam hamil' at the hospital..
I asked Ayah to join me, since I've been seeing the pictures of exercise for pregnant moms with their husbands assisting the moms during the exercise. So he also took the time on that Wednesday morning to go to the hospital, before he went to work.

I just found out in the exercise room that only moms involved in the exercise. All the dads were just sitting in a line of chairs behind the exercise mattress. All dads were asked by the instructor to memorize the exercise so the moms can do it again at home. (Hehehe... maaf ya Ayah,, jadi 'terjebak' di ruang senam..)

The exercise went well... some of the move were quiet hard for the moms with big tummy... After a few moves, you started to react, also made some moves inside.. I figure you were also did some exercise by yourself.. Hihihi...


Since the later stage of my 7th month, I found what a pregnant moms usually experience, sleeping difficulties.. The pillow must be not too flat, so I still can breath.. If I move to the left side, I feel a little hurt in my left stomach.. It's better if I turn to the right side, but the nurse from the hospital once said that some doctors suggest not to sleep with your body facing the right side, because there's a big vena in your right side. *confusiiing...*

Not to mentioned that if I had to wake up at night to have a glass of milk.. after that, it become more difficult to get the right position to sleep..

Well, Kiddy, I hope you still can sleep well inside... Mmmwah...

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Ibu 7 Month Pregnant

My dear Kiddy,

this is a picture taken last weekend, during my later stage of my 7th month pregnancy..

Hope you are feeling well and warm inside.. :)


Little Baby Elephant for Kiddy...

Ow.. Kiddy,,, look.. Budhe Dyah just bought you something from Bangkok... it's a Jim Thompson's baby elephant toy... along with pink elephant shoes and a set of pink shirt and short.. How cute...!!! :)

Thank you Budhe Dyah and Pakde Pierre... This is kiddy's first toy... It will be placed in Kiddy's baby crib.. (The baby crib which si Ibu and Ayah are still looking... hehehe... )

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 9: Potong Tumpeng

Acara diakhiri dengan upacara potong tumpeng. Tumpeng yang juga merupakan sesajen dalam upacara mitoni ini. Tumpeng isinya berupa tumpeng terbuat dari nasi, satu tumpeng besar di tengah-tengah dan 6 tumpeng kecil di sekelilingnya, sehingga totalnya berjumlah 7 buah tumpeng.
Sajen tumpeng juga bermakna sebagai pemujaan pada arwah leluhur yang sudah tiada.

Tumpeng dilengkapi minimal dengan: ikan, ayam (termasuk ayam goreng yang dipotong dari ayam hidup (ayam yang dibeli dalam keadaan hidup)), perkedel, tahu dan tempe serta sayur gudangan (urap) yang bermakna agar calon bayi selalu dalam keadaan segar. Urap tersebut juga dibuat tanpa cabe (tidak pedas).

Potong tumpeng dilakukan oleh calon ayah dan diterima oleh calon ibu. Lalu keduanya melakukan upacara suap-suapan.

Selain itu, juga terdapat bubur 7 rupa. Bubur merah dan bubur putih dibuat dalam 2 wadah, yang satu bubur merah dan diberi sedikit bubur putih di tengahnya, dan sebaliknya (melambangkan benih pria dan wanita yang bersatu dalam wujud bayi yang akan lahir). Pada upacara mitoni ini, bubur 7 rupa dilengkapi dengan bubur candil, bubur sum-sum, bubur ketan hitam, bubur ... dan bubur ....

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 8: Jualan Cendol dan Rujak

Selanjutnya adalah upacara jualan rujak dan cendol (dawet) oleh sang calon ayah dan calon ibu. Calon ayah membawa payung untuk memayungi calon ibu saat berjualan, sementara calon ibu membawa wadah untuk menampung uang hasil jualan tersebut. Uang yang digunakan adalah uang koin yang terbuat dari tanah liat (kreweng). Sang calon ayah menerima uang tersebut dari pembeli untuk dimasukkan dalam wadah tersebut dan sang calon ibu melayani para pembeli.
Rujak yang merupakan rujak serut tersebut juga dibuat dari 7 macam buah-buahan. Calon ibu yang meracik sendiri bumbu rujaknya, melambangkan apabila rasanya kurang enak, anaknya adalah lelaki, dan sebaliknya.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 7: Upacara Ganti Busana

Setelah calon ibu dikeringkan dan ganti dengan pakaian kering, dilakukan acara selanjutnya, yaitu upacara ganti busana. Akan terdapat 7 kali ganti pakaian, yang berupa ganti kain dan kebaya.

Kain dalam tujuh motif melambangkan kebaikan yang diharapkan bagi ibu yang mengandung tujuh bulan dan bagi si anak kelak kalau sudah lahir.

Kain yang digunakan terdapat 7 macam, dimulai dengan urutan dan makna sebagai berikut:
1. sidomukti (melambangkan kebahagiaan),

2. sidoluhur (melambangkan kemuliaan),

3. parangkusuma (melambangkan perjuangan untuk tetap hidup),

4. semen rama (melambangkan agar cinta kedua orangtua yang sebentar lagi menjadi bapak-ibu tetap bertahan selama-lamanya/tidak terceraikan),

5. udan riris (melambangkan harapan agar kehadiran dalam masyarakat anak yang akan lahir selalu menyenangkan),
6. cakar ayam (melambangkan agar anak yang akan lahir kelak dapat mandiri dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya).

7. Kain terakhir yang tercocok adalah kain dari bahan lurik bermotif lasem (melambangkan kain yang walaupun sederhana tapi pembuatannya sulit, membutuhkan kesabaran karena dibuatnya dari lembar per lembar benang. Melambangkan kesederhanaan cinta kasih orang tua kepada anaknya).

Pemakaian kain dibantu oleh kedua calon nenek dan ditanggapi oleh keluarga/tamu yang hadir (pada 6 kain dan kebaya pertama) dengan “kurang cocok…” serta pada kain terakhir (yang ke-7) dengan tanggapan “cocok”…

Kain-kain yang dipakaikan tadi, setelah diganti dengan kain berikutnya, diletakkan di bawah kaki calon ibu, sehingga lama kelamaan menumpuk dan melingkari kaki calon ibu. Setelah selesai dengan pakaian ke-7, calon ayah membantu mendudukkan calon ibu di atas tumpukan kain tersebut, sehingga tampak seperti ‘ayam mengerami telurnya’, yang melambangkan sang calon ibu menjaga dan memelihara calon bayi dalam kandungannya.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 6: Pecah Kelapa

Selanjutnya, calon ayah mengambil salah satu kelapa tersebut. Mengambilnya dengan dengan mata tertutup, sehingga ia tidak tahu kelapa yang melambangkan perempuan atau laki-laki yang diambil.
Kelapa diambil dan ditempatkan di area siraman, untuk kemudian dipecahkan.
Hal ini melambangkan perkiraan jenis kelamin calon bayi tersebut.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 5: Brojolan

Yaitu memasukkan kelapa gading muda (kelapa cengkir) yang telah dilukis Kamajaya dan Dewi Ratih. Calon ibu dipakaikan sarung (longgar saja). Bagian pinggir sarung, agar tetap longgar, dipegang oleh kedua calon kakek, masing-masing di sebelah kiri dan kanan. Kemudian sang calon ayah memasukkan satu kelapa cengkir tersebut dari atas, dan siap diterima oleh salah satu calon nenek (misalnya diawali oleh calon nenek dari pihak calon ibu). Hal ini dilakukan 3 kali berturut-turut. Setelah itu, diikuti dengan proses yang sama dengan kelapa cengkir kedua, dan diterima oleh calon nenek lainnya (calon nenek dari pihak calon ayah).
Calon nenek menerima kelapa tersebut sambil membawa selendang, dan merek kemudian menggendong kelapa tersebut (seperti menggendong bayi) dan membawanya ke kamar tidur. Kelapa tersebut kemudian ditidurkan di atas tempat tidur, seperti menidurkan bayi.
Makna simbolis dari upacara ini adalah agar kelak bayi lahir dengan mudah tanpa kesulitan.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 4: Memutus Lawe/Benang/Janur

Berikutnya, masih di tempat siraman berlangsung, adalah upacara memutuskan lawe/benang/janur. Lawe atau Janur diikatkan ke perut calon ibu, kemudian calon ayah memutuskan lilitan tersebut. Maknanya juga agar proses persalinan berjalan lancar dan tidak ada halangan

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 3: Pecah Telur

Setelah siraman, calon ayah melakukan upacara pecah telur. 1 butir telur ayam kampung yang sebelumnya ditempelkan ke dahi dan perut calon ibu, dan kemudian dibanting ke lantai. Telur tersebut harus pecah, sebagai perlambang proses persalinan nanti dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa aral melintang. Dari referensi yang saya baca, ada juga yang dengan cara memasukkan telur tersebut ke dalam kain calon ibu.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 2: Siraman

Siraman atau mandi merupakan simbol upacara sebagai pernyataan tanda pembersihan diri, baik fisik maupun jiwa. Pembersihan secara simbolis ini bertujuan membebaskan calon ibu dari dosa-dosa sehingga kalau kelak si calon ibu melahirkan anak tidak mempunyai beban moral sehingga proses kelahirannya menjadi lancar.

Siraman dilakukan oleh 7 orang yang dianggap sesepuh plus suami/calon ayah. (untuk yang terakhir ini, saya juga baru tau di hari H, bahwa sang suami juga akan menjadi pihak yang memberikan air siraman). Di samping itu, saya kira yang melakukan siraman hanyalah sesepuh yang wanita, tapi ternyata bapak dan bapak mertua turut memberikan air siraman. Bisa juga pasangan orang tua dihitung sebagai 1 orang. Seperti pada siraman kemarin, urutannya adalah: 1. Mama dan Papa, 2. Bapak dan Ibu (mertua), 3. Nenek, 4. Adik Nenek, 5. Bude dari Mama, 6. Bude dari Papa, 7. Suami.

Air siraman adalah air yang berasal dari 7 sumber, misalnya dari rumah orang tua istri, rumah orang tua suami, tetangga atau saudara lainnya. Pada air siraman juga terdapat bunga 7 rupa.

Setelah acara selesai, bagi tamu yang belum mempunyai keturunan bisa mengambil air siraman yang belum terpakai, untuk digunakan sebagai air mandi (bisa dibawa pulang). Diharapkan setelah menggunakan air tersebut, tamu tersebut bisa 'ketularan' memiliki keturunan juga.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni) – Step 1: Sungkeman

Upacara mitoni diawali dengan upacara sungkeman. Sungkeman dilakukan pertama-tama oleh calon ibu kepada calon ayah (suaminya). Kemudian, calon ibu dan ayah, melakukan sungkeman kepada kedua pasang orang tua mereka. Intinya adalah memohon doa restu agar proses kehamilan dan kelahiran kelak berjalan dengan lancar dan selamat.

7 Bulanan (Mitoni)

Dalam tradisi Jawa, bagi kehamilan pertama yang telah mencapai usia 7 bulan kehamilan, diadakan upacara syukuran atau selamatan atas kehamilan tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengucap syukur karena telah melalui tahap 7 bulan pertama kehamilan dengan selamat dan mohon keselamatan bagi cabang bayi dan sang ibu dalam menjalani tahap akhir kehamilan dan dalam proses persalinan kelak. Tujuan tambahan bagi kami adalah turut melestarikan adat istiadat yang selama ini ada.

Setelah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan jadwal, akhirnya kami melaksanakan upacara mitoni untuk calon buah hati kami, si Kiddy (panggilan sayang kami kepadanya selama dia dalam kandungan) pada hari Sabtu, 9 Februari 2008. Hari tersebut dipilih dengan pertimbangan bahwa upacara mitoni sebaiknya dilakukan di hari Rabu atau Sabtu.

Saya sebenarnya hanya ingat beberapa hal yang biasa dilakukan dalam upacara mitoni tersebut berdasarkan pengalaman masa kecil, di mana Nini saya almarhumah (nenek) biasa menyelenggarakan upacara tersebut bagi Oom-oom dan Tante-tante saya, serta bagi kerabat lainnya. Sekarang ini sulit mencari buku referensi mengenai bagaimana penyelenggaraan upacara tersebut. Thank you to technology, informasi tersebut bisa saya dapat hanya dengan browsing via internet. Terima kasih kepada berbagai sumber yang telah memberikan informasi tersebut.

Karena itulah, saya dalam kesempatan ini juga ingin membagi sedikit pengetahuan mengenai penyelenggaraan upacara mitoni kepada pembaca blog saya. Mudah-mudahan informasi ini bisa berguna bagi pasangan calon ayah dan ibu lainnya..

Dear Kiddy, here’s also the story of your ‘mitoni’ ceremony...

Thursday, 31 January 2008

Baju Pertama buat Kiddy

It was Sunday, 20 January 2008 evening… Ayah and Ibu had an afternoon visit to PIM…

There is a tradition of not buying anything for the baby yet until the baby has reached 7 month-old (meaning the mom-to-be is 7 months pregnant). That day, I was only 27 week pregnant, but the next day (Monday, 21 Jan 2008) I would be 28 week pregnant (7 months!!).

I asked Ayah if it is ok to start buying you stuffs that night.. (since I can’t wait any longer.. hehe..).. not to mentioned that there were some sale on some baby wear shops…

I finally got his approval.. (yippee…!!) =)
So we went to Mothercare, but didn’t find anything interesting there… and we stopped at Zara and went straight to Zara Baby section. Ooow,, there was this cute 1 pack of baby shirt for newborn (containing 2 shirts) in white and pink colors. “These are definitely going to be Kiddy’s first baby wear” I said to myself…

These are your first outfit Kiddy… don’t you like it.. =)

We’ll get you some more after our routine check up to the doctor this Saturday (2 Feb 2008), just to make sure that everything is all right with you… so we will be more confident in buying you more things..

Friday, 11 January 2008


It was during the end-of-year holiday, when Tante Desi and Ibu (we both pregnant, well actually plus Tante Ella, but she was on her own holiday at that time) took pictures of pregnant moms. Your talented Tante Merry did the photos with Tante Fitri who voluntarily offered her house as the place where the pictures were taken.

It was full of fun... although my stomach has not been too big at time. I was just about 6 months pregnant. Tante Desi, who was at her 7th months pregnant looked bigger than mine.

After that we went to Citos and had some snacks and tea/coffee at Deli France. Ayah picked me up there, and all of us had dinner together at Fish & Co.

Thank you Tante Merry,, Thank you Tante Fitri,, thank you Tante Desi... :)

Monday, 7 January 2008

Happy New Year 2008

Happy New Year 2008, Kiddy...

We can't wait to see you in April 2008... Hope everything goes well...

Love you so much,
Ayah and Ibu
(6 month pregnant)

How Old Am I?

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker