Tuesday, 21 October 2008

My Calya is 6 month old now

29 September 2008 - Caca genap 6 bulan.
I can't believe it.. time goes so fast and now my little Caca is 6 month old.

Luckily it was already Lebaran holiday, so I was at home with you, Ca... :)
I couldn't wait for your first weaning, so I started 2 days ago, on Saturday.. hehe..

Look at you, the six-month-old baby.. sekarang Caca udah bisa:
1. makan bubur buah
2. guling-guling
3. gusinya mulai gatel, makin suka gigit-gigit
4. bisa pindahin benda dari tangan yang satu ke tangan yang lain
5. belajar merangkak
6. tambah manja sama Ibu,, kalo ada Ibu, maunya digendong Ibu terus deh.. (aaaah, senangnya disayang Caca... :) )
7. bisa milih minta digendong siapa
8. kalo mau tidur, ngoceh-ngoceh (kayak ngomel-ngomel siy tepatnya),, sampe ketiduran
9. beratnya 6,1 kilo.. (ayo, makan dan minumnya tambah banyak dong,, biar cepet tambah gemuk)
10. Bisa merangkak!! :)
11. Had her first holiday.. ke ancol 3 hari.. hebat,, nggak rewel dan nggak nyusahin deh kamu Ca.. :)

Calya 5 month

It's getting more exciting on what she can do.. :)

1. She could turn her body (tengkurep gitu... hehe..) - well she could do that a month ago,, but then it was like she forgot how to do it.. now she could do it again and again.. hehehe...
2. Tried to reach something to whom she wants to be held (her Ibu and Ayah were her priority.. yippee..)
3. She talked more and more... "aaah,, uhh,, buuuwwaah,,, "
4. Mulai nyembur-nyembur dan main air liur.. (iiiih,, geli deh Ca...)
5. Excited when riding a car,, wanted to look at the street and things around her (jadi kalo jalan-jalan, susah diajak tidur dan mimik asi di mobil.. maunya liat jalan terus,, pas udah setengah perjalanan, baru deh mau mimik dan tidur.. jadinya baru 10 menit tidur, udah sampai tujuan.. hahaa..)
6. Started going out at night (first trip: to Kembang Goela, Sudirman for buka puasa)
7. Started learning to sleep in her baby crib (again), since she kept moving during her sleep
8. Weight 5,7 kg (at least the doctor said: "it's more than 2 times of her weight when she was born, so it's still fine")

Calya 4 month

Many new things that Caca can do when she was 4 month old..

1. She could hold things with her 2 hands
2. She could hug things with her 2 hands
3. She started chewing teether
4. She had her first flu
5. She tried to sit without back up on her back
6. She talked (more and more) in baby language
7. She still woke up every 2 hour during nights
8. She tried to stand up with her 2 feet
9. She held things tightly with her little fingers
10. She loved lullaby before going to bed
11. Her clothes were too small at that time,, need to have bigger size
12. Poop once a day,, and even once every 2-3 days (this is not good Ca..)
13. She touched the face of person holding her
14. She played with her hand,, touching here and there while breastfeeding
15. (uuh,, so sorry Caca sayang...) She started having few formula milk... however, the breastmilk still took the bigger portion on her daily intake (15% formula milk and 85% breastmilk)
16. Weight5,4 kg

Calya 3 months old

On 29 June 2008, Caca was 3 month old.
(ugh,, that when I started returning to work)

What Caca could do on her third month?
1. Started having chit chat (in baby language of course... "aah,, uuuh,, ayayayaaa...")
2. Still woke up every 2 hour at nights
3. Poops once daily now, fyuuh...
4. Weight 4,9 kg (the gain weight was getting slower)
5. Went to malls on weekends
6. Acknowledged people around her (started being picky)
7. Crying before her night sleep (but ONLY on weekends, when her Ayah and Ibu were around her..)
8. Bye-bye gloves.. Caca didn't wear gloves anymore. She started grabbing and holding things.
9. Slept with her face facing her bed
10. Woke up at 5 in the morning EXCEPT on weekends, when she woke up late because she could sleep more with Ayah and Ibu around her. (How do you know that Ca?? hebat deh Caca..)

Calya 2month

1. Caca cried in the afternoons before her night sleep
2. Thing that could calm her from her crying was: when you take him going up and down the stairs
3. Pees and poops a lot, that interrupted her sleeping. (better wear diaper all day)
4. Weight 4,2 kg.
5. Her new hair, after her haircut, stars growing (but only in some parts, while in some other parts still has not grown. gleg..).

Calya 1 Month

What did Caca experience when she was 1 month old?

1. Her weight was 3,5 kilo (gained 1 kilo in 1 month)
2. She had her first haircut
3. She could see and hear much clearer as she started looking at people near her and the source of voice around her
4. She had her earpierce
5. She still kept receiving gifts :)
6. She could smile... aaaah.. so sweet..!!
7. She still pooped and pee so often
8. She had her first visit to a mall (PIM of course.. hehe..)
9. Her skin was cleaner

How Old Am I?

Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker