Friday, 26 October 2007
akhirnya ibumu ini ngidam juga.. pingin nonton world tour concert-nya Beyonce Knowles.. one of my fave artist!! concertnya hari Kamis minggu depan, tanggal 1 November 2007 besok ini..
Tapi kelihatannya ngidamnya nggak kesampaian.. secara ibumu ini baru sembuh sakit, sementara lokasi concert di daerah mangga dua, Jakarta Utara yang macet dan jauh.. plus pasti penuh banget dan desek-desekan.. kayaknya nggak memungkinkan untuk dateng.. kesian kamu juga... another consideration,, tiketnya yang cukup mahal.. Rp.750.000 untuk festival sampai Rp.3.000.000 yang VIP. Mungkin di jaman kamu nanti, harga tiket itu rasanya nggak terlalu mahal yaa.. Tapi sekarang, lumayan juga..
Semoga kamu nggak jadi ileran yaa gara-gara nggak nonton Beyonce.. hehehe... udah usaha bujuk2 papamu... tapi nggak mempan tuuuh... :)
Monday, 8 October 2007
3 Months Ago
You are our greatest gift for our 2nd anniversary..
Your mom and dad’s anniversary is on 12th August.. (don’t forget that my little angel.. :) )
We had an anniversary celebration about 2 weeks after the day by having a weekend gateway to Bandung. We still didn’t know that you were already travelling to Bandung with us at that time.. but we ‘guessed’ that we probably have you in me.. So we didn’t do any heavy activities there, just walk around the city and enjoy the great food there.. just in case we have you, we should take really good care of you..
The week after, we went to an obstetrician to find out.. We were so overwhelmed knowing that we have you…!! It was like a dream comes true.. after all these times we were waiting for you, little angel.. You were only 5 weeks old..
But the doctor asked me to take some pills and gave me injections for the next 2 weeks to strengthen my pregnancy,, so we didn’t tell anyone yet about this, at least until the next examination, except to my Mama and Papa (your grandparents).
Luckily I (your skinny mom) went to a nutrition doctor 2 weeks before we found out that we have you. So I’ve been eating more healthy food, which is very good for you too..
I believe that all of these are not just coincident.. God has made his master plan.. including your arrival to this world, little angel.. I couldn’t stop thanking God for all the blessing He gave to your dad and I.

Today is my 13th week of my pregnancy.. so you’ve been living within me for the past 13 week.. I couldn’t get the courage to start having this blog until I safely reached my first tri-semester. Even your dad-to-be was still keeping this wonderful news from his friends and colleagues until now.
We have more confident as last Saturday we visited our doctor and the examination result was great. We can see you moving around,, you are only 5.9 cm.. How cute.. :) Although you are still so small, we can already see your brain, the line of your backbones, your little hands, feet and fingers.. And everything grows normally.. How magical… Subhannallah..
From now on, I will write every single development of yours as much as I can.. So I hope, by the time you are able to read, this can tell your first journey in this world.. this can be your first diary of your life..
With so much love,
Your Mom..
*we still don’t know yet how we like you to call us.. Mama-Papa,, Ayah-Ibu, Ayah-Bunda, Bapak-Ibu,, or else.. the first one may be the one we eventually pick.. *